
You Can Choose Happiness

You Can Choose

I believe happiness is a choice.  Understanding and believing that simple sentence unlocks the door to consistent feelings of belonging, contentment and joy and is the foundation to achieving all life other goals. Many of you are thinking about the real challenges in your life—too little money, significant health problems, betrayal in relationships.  These are all very real but regardless of your situation, you too can achieve happiness.

Minding your mind and is a crucial first step to choosing happiness.  Everyone needs to pay attention to mental health daily–examine the characteristics of the You you think you are; rewrite your unconscious self-talk; put life challenges in a manageable perspective and heal past hurts and traumas   Some people will need pointers in the right direction, some may need professional help to do this work.  The good news is, everyone can be successful.

You can and should be happy every day. 

Happiness is for now 

The power is in your hands 

Looking closely at the factors in your life that increase negative emotions like anxiety, fear, and anger (stress) is an important second step. These are normal and useful human emotions that help you respond to present moment situations.  However, when they occur at high levels or remain high over a long time, they can become a problem. What are you thinking about, influenced by, or doing that is making you fearful, anxious, and on edge outside the reality of the present moment?  From family drama, your job or your children, you have to assess stressors and work to see them in perspective to decrease this stress response.

We each have a singular consciousness in this existence that is independent of others.

Make time for yourself on a regular basis both mentally and physically. If you are like most people,  especially women, you’ve spent years prioritizing the needs of spouses, children, employers, customers  etc.  When most days are done, you are too tired to address your own needs like the need for quiet, good food and exercise.  This can be as dangerous as trying to help someone drowning if you can’t swim or putting the oxygen mask on someone else before you put on your own. Spending adequate time on your own needs can not only make you happier but can put you in a better position to help others. 

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